The Eastern Litza River
Many anglers have described the East Litza as the best salmon river in the world. The Litza has a series of simply magical pools that are quite long and deep with exceptionally large boulders, which is perfect for very large salmon.
Despite the impressive length of the river, salmon are caught on a 9-kilometer stretch that ends with the Litza waterfall which is stunningly beautiful and at approximately 12 meters high is too much for the salmon to pass through. You will need to hold the fish firmly on this pool, otherwise it easily goes down the powerful rapids towards the Flat Stone pool - one of the best pools on the river and is a pleasure to fish at any water level.
Further down, the river makes its way through a series of rapids, narrow gorges, deep pools and simply charming salmon places until it reaches the camp where there are several excellent pools called the Tent pools. All camp guests have the opportunity not only to fish the day and spend a comfortable night on the river, but will also be able to continue on fishing the next day with a chance of catching a salmon weighing more than 20 kilograms practically in any week of the season. It is here, less than 100 meters from the tent camp, that a salmon of 21.5 kilograms was caught - that same day his fishing partner lost another fish of equal size..
The lower part of the river also boasts a large number of promising pools, where very large fish can be caught everywhere up to the Military pool before entering the sea. For many anglers, the Military Pool becomes the place where they first meet the giants of the Litza, and sometimes the last, where an amazed fisherman sees his salmon return into the sea along with the line and backing.
It is not without reason that many fishermen say that if they were offered one last chance to catch a salmon before they die that they would choose a last opportunity on the great Eastern Litza!
Big Salmon facts:
Largest 3 salmon - 48.6, 47.5, and 46 pounds.
There were 49 salmon landed over 30 pounds (Kharlovka and Litza rivers) in one season with 20.3% of the salmon over 20 pounds
Svetlana skating hitched tubes at the Litza falls
Litza fall from the upper right bank
Litza falls rapids
Red Wine pool upper Litza
Secret pool Litza
Fish on Flat Stone pool
Spawning and Upper Tent pool middle Litza
Upper Tent pool
Pocket above Tent pool Litza
Litza Tent pools
Litza Tent
Above Red Cliff pool Litza
Lower Litza with fog in the estuary
Fish on in the Classics pool Litza
Fresh morning on the Lower Litza
Lower Litza Sea pool