Zolotaya River
The Zolotaya means the Golden river in Russian. A day, and, even better, an overnight stay on the Zolotoya is a magical opportunity for only 2 fishermen a day to have nearly 5 kilometers of a river to themselves that is full of salmon, as well as the opportunity to switch to lighter tackle and possibly fish with a single handed 9 weight rod. It is necessary, however, to change the fishing tactics in order to adapt to the conditions of low water. Sometimes you have to fish from the shore, away from the water and be careful and quiet but, as a rule, such fishing strategy rewards with a sparkling grilse or excellent salmon of decent size from one of the many pools and runs. In a small birch grove near the lake, where a helicopter usually lands, there is always fish in the small pockets, and you can always boast of a good days catch if you are patient and careful. So, moving with the flow, throwing into each hole, you, little by little, will reach the camp, where a hospitable host - Mikhail will be waiting for you with the latest news about the weather, catch and the latest coordinates of the location of bears and reindeer.
Home pool or the Russian pool - rightfully deserve the title of the best pool on the Kola Peninsula, given the water discharge and the weight of the fish caught there. Day and night will pass like one hour, while you fish and look at the standing lying in the pool from a small cliff, admiring the iridescent play of its sparkling scales, or relax in the shade of the trees, preparing for the next fishing round. Of course, some strong salmon will force you to leave the Russian pool and sprint downstream along the gravel. But along the way, there are many interesting places for casting, where you will have to be smart, especially in one of the pockets above the rapids.
Anglers finish their last casts in the Sea Pool pit, where tired but satisfied, you will board a helicopter that will fly you over the picturesque river and remote north coast along the sea back to the Rynda lodge. Comfortable warm beds, local knowledge and hospitality all await you at the Zolotaya camp, although you will probably want to slip out of the tent and fish a little more in the home pool before returning to the main camp for breakfast. Without a doubt, fishing on the Zolotoya is the best part of the weekly program on the Rynda. The Zolotaya River is a special river - so small yet so full of large fish! Solitary in character and generous with gifts over 20 pounds!
Fishing stats:
5+ fish days on the Zolotaya are not uncommon.
The largest fish caught in the last 2 years was 30 pounds (13.6 kg)
The record is 37 lbs (16.8 kg)
Camp mascot
Lad day on the Zolotaya
Rapids above the Zolotaya Russian home pool
Upper Zolotaya Jeremy's pool
Good day on the Zolotaya! Only 2 fishermen per day on the river.
Russian home pool at the Zolotaya tent camp
Sue and Kola Middle with an after dinner salmon at the Zolotaya
Fish on Russian Home pool