Austrian friends doubled up in the Kharlovka home pool
Chris with a 48.7 pounder in the Litza Tent with young Vasili
The veteran David landed his 28 on the upper Rynda
Young Alex with his personal best 16 pounder from the Kharlovka home pool
Veteran Christopher and his guide Jenya with a nice Rynda salmon
Veteran Big Dave and his guide Igor with a solid 33 pounder from the Kharlovka home pool
Vladimir admiring his 34 pound spring salmon in the Litza Military pool
35 pounder at Julian's pool on the lower Kharlovka
25 pounds of silver at the Litza Tent
Deep Litza salmon from the Litza Military pool
In the net!
Mikael preparing to release a good fish at the Kharlovka Home pool
Jamie and Volodya with a nice fresh salmon from the Birch Bank on the upper Kharlovka
Justin Litza salmon selfie
Christopher and Karel at the Kharlovka Falls
Sasha stretching the scales to 25 pounds in the Litza Tent pool
Mark with a 30 pounder on the Kharlovka Upper Canyon
Gena and Alex with a fresh Rynda Springer
Vladimir Jr. starts the morning with a 29 pounder from the right bank of the Litza Upper Tent pool
Vladimir Jr. with a 35+ pounder from the left bank Litza Tent pool
Lower Rynda salmon
Rashid cradling his 28 pounder on the upper Rynda
Matt with a thick 20 pound salmon from the Litza Upper Tent pool
Rynda father and son week
Sugai and Big Alex with a fresh 20 pounder from the lower Kharlovka
Vladimir with a 36.3 pounder from the Litza Dream pool