The Rynda has been described as a true fisherman’s river - an intellectual exercise for any salmon angler with an abundance of pockets, rapids, channels, and pools full of fish.

Rynda Lodge
Over recent years, the camp on the Rynda river has been refined and renovated. The main lodge has been expanded and a hot sauna house has been added. Nowhere else will you find such attention to detail with nothing be overlooked, and it is this that attracts those who want to bring their spouse or children with them on a trip. All 12 guests are accommodated in modern and fully equipped detached houses overlooking the waterfalls and Rynda's Home pool. The food on Rynda is excellent, as are lunches on the river bank, where guests are treated to hot Russian soup every day. If necessary, and on many days even without it, a hot sauna will be prepared for guests, where they can relax upon returning to the lodge after a difficult fishing day. There is a qualified masseuse on camp through the prime time weeks. The lodge also has everything you need for tying flies and a complete set of tackle in case you need to borrow something. Like Kharlovka - there is also a fully stocked Farlows fishing shop with all the latest flies and gear. The company employs a qualified doctor who lives in Rynda throughout the season, and a helicopter is available 24 hours a day throughout the ASR on request.
Flying into Rynda camp
Rynda camp
Rynda translates as The Bell
Rynda high water spring
Farlows Rynda
High summer on the Rynda
Rynda single en-suite cabins
Rynda accommodations
Dinner is severed on the Rynda
Celebration time on the Rynda
To good friends and good fishing!
Rynda Fly tying lessons
Rynda group photo
Early July Rynda group photo
We love Rynda!
Golden Killer!
Rynda 27+ pound club ring
The Rynda Cross
Rynda camp in late winter