Fishing report on Kharlovka - week 24 (June 8-15, 2024)

Morning air temperature range: 2C -10C.

The water temperature rose from 5C to 8.2C.

The water level slowly dropped from 88 cm to 60 cm.

Total salmon per week: 17

Like a bear, the tundra can awake up slowly. The start of the second week of the season was cold and foggy, with a low morning temperature of 2°C, which was colder than the river temperature, which was 5°C at the start of the week.

It was a slow week of river warming with cool and challenging conditions continuing throughout the week.

However, ASR veteran Max managed to find several fresh spring salmon, including a bright silver fish weighing 6.6 kg on the lower Kharlovka Barrel pool.

Ruslan caught the first fresh salmon Litza of the season in Snowbank pool.

Good company along with excellent service and cuisine in addition the hot banya - kept spirits rolling high.

The snow is gradually melting and the buds are appearing on the birch trees which is a good indicator that the salmon are now running through. With a forecast for warming temps, the rivers are coming into shape. 

The ASR team is excited for what coming days will surely bring. 

Watch this space.


Kharlovka fishing report week 25 (15 - 21 Jun) - 2024


Kharlovka fishing report week 23 (1 - 7 June) 2024