Fishing Report from Kharlovka - Week 30 (July 20-27) 2024

Range of morning air temperatures: 9.7 - 22.3°C
Water temperature: 15.7 - 20.6°C
Water levels: dropped from 4 to -7 on the Home pool scale
Total salmon caught for the week: 78
Number of guests: 13

This week can be called the week of best friends. All the new guests who came to ASR for the first time blended into the company very harmoniously. From the first day, a friendly, warm atmosphere formed, and this mood stayed with us throughout the week.

The hot weather arrived on the Kola Peninsula very rapidly. The daytime temperature in the sun reached +30°C. On the first day, Arkady distinguished himself by catching a 15.5 lb (7.5 kg) male salmon in the lower reaches of the Kharlovka at the Island pool.

Krill and Andrey with a fresh salmon on the lower Kharlovka.

Our new friend Yuri caught a beautiful 21 lb (9.6 kg) female salmon on the day he stayed overnight on the Eastern Litza. The fish was caught at the Dream pool, which is known as one of the most trophy pools of the river.

Semen and Vadim’s first salmon on. the ASR.

Despite the swarms of insects and very hot weather, an average of 10 salmon were caught daily. Each fishing trip was full of excitement with bites, losses, and the reeling in of fish.

We are very happy with the success of the newcomers. Each of them set their personal record, and we look forward to seeing them again next season!


Kharlovka Fishing Report - Week 28 (July 6 - 12) - 2024