Fishing report from Kharlovka - week 28 (July 6 - 12) - 2024

Range of morning air temperatures: 11.3 – 19.7C

The water temperature remained stable from 16 to 16.5C

On opening day, the water level rose 5 cm and amounted to 30–35 cm on the home pool scale. The water level then dropped 18cm over the week to a good summer level of 17cm on the home pool scale.

Total salmon caught for the week: 129

There were 14 guests, but there were several businessmen who needed to return to camp early and could not fish all the time.

Maxim had a 20lbs salmon from the Litza Tent pool.

Makara landed the largest salmon of the week at 23lbs. from the Litza Falls.

Summertime has been in full swing on the northern rivers this week with warm morning temperatures approaching 20C, along with light rain and strong winds from the south. The water temperature will remain constant throughout the week and will be 16°C.

By Tuesday the wind had shifted north again, clouds had rolled in and temperatures had dropped. The rest of the week saw mostly mild, calm weather with some rain, clouds and sunny days.

With the group averaging over 20 salmon per day for a week, there were plenty of silver linings to be found.

Stanislav caught his first salmon, weighing 14 pounds from Litza Snowbank pool.

Alexander also caught his first salmon, weighing 14 pounds, in the Kharlovka Falls pool.

Dmitry - 15 pounds at Kharlovka waterfall

Good fishing - good company and a high level of friendly, professional service will make for an enjoyable week for everyone.


Fishing Report from Kharlovka - Week 30 (July 20-27) 2024


Kharlovka Fishing report - week 27 (June 29 - July 5) 2024